
Exposition is

The start of the story where we get to know the characters, setting, and problem 

By: Emma.K

The inciting incident in Projekt 1065 is when Fritz shows Michael the blue prints for the Swallow. I know this because in the text it says " Fritz pulled a big blue piece of paper from his rucksack and presented it into my hands. He smiled at me his eyes wide, like I should be amazed at what I was seeing. Ro tell the truth I did not understand what I was looking at. Not at firs. But when I did I woke up for good. Fast. It was a secret so big it could change the course of the war. Maybe even change the fate of the world. And I had it right there in my hands." My evidence supports my claim because the quot that I took from the text is when Fritz gives Micheal the blue prints for the Swallow. 

By Eliana Gale

The  inciting incident in the story is when  Michael beat up Fritz and put him in the hospital and now he thinks Fritz won't talk to him. I know this because  in the text it says " It doesn't matter if we both pass all of our tests now, and end up in the SRD. I put him in the hospital he will never talk to me again even if we were the last people in Germany. I wouldn't, if I were him. If my mission was to buddy up Fritz so I could steal the plan for project 1065, I messed it up royally." This evidence supports the text because it shows that Fritz wouldn't talk to him anymore and he messed up his plan to steal the plans for the project 1065 witch with those plans in his hands the Nazi won't win the war.

The inciting incident in Projekt 1065 is when Michael beats Fritz up so badly that he is scared Fritz won't talk to home again so he won't be able to see the blueprints for the 1065 plane.  The text on page 128 states "I punched Fritz again and again." On the same page the text says "When at last I stopped, Fritz lay motionless on the ground." My last piece of evidence is on page 130 when the text says " "It is over" I said to Simon "What is over?" " Me and Fritz." I replied" On the same page it says " "I put Fritz in the hospital. He will never talk to me again. " "  My first piece of evidence shows that he was beating up Fritz and giving Fritz a bad beating. the second piece of evidence proves that Fritz has gotten a large injury. My last piece of evidence shows that Michael hurt Fritz so much he was scared Fritz would not talk to him.