Character's Goals & Motivation

What is the character's overall goal(s)?

What is ultimately motivating them?

Use evidence (direct quotes) from the text to support your answer.  
Analyze what you think this character's choice says about them.

Based on these observations, why do you think they wanted to achieve their goal?


by: Elena Luong

My character is Fritz. He has only one goal, to get into the SRD. Fritz wants to join the SRD, the most powerful and "scariest."He motivates himself to get into the SRD by doing it for Hitler. He is obsessed with Hitler, and will even die for him. Also, Fritz used to get bullied for being, "three cheeses tall" so he likes to be powerful and show all the people who bullied him, that he is the boss.  My first piece of evidence is on page 45, "Especially if I'm going to join the SRD and be in the SS one day." My second piece of evidence is when it says, on page 158," Fritz marched over to Horst, and Horst froze. There was actually a look of fear in his eyes. Fear of Fritz." My last piece of evidence is on page 227, "That's when I knew why Fritz and Horst and Ottmar and Erhard were on the science team." All three pieces of evidence support my claim because the first piece was when Fritz wanted to be in the SRD. The second piece of evidence was when Frtitz got into the SRD and he became powerful. Horst used to bully him. The last piece is when Michael figures out that Fritz got onto the science team because he worshiped Hitler.