
Inciting Incident is

The moment when the reader is introduced to the main conflict of the story

Explain with text evidence what was the inciting incident in the story. 
How does the inciting incident support the problem of the book?


    The Inciting incident is when he sees the blueprints for project 10/65. Some text evidence is when Simen tells him about Project 1065 the fritz shows him the blueprints on pages 73-75.  The first piece of text evidence supports my answer because it interposes the main mission/problem. The second piece  of text evidence is he axadently finds a parts of the blue print.


Emma Tolle

I think the inciting incident in my book "Projekt 1065" is when Fritz shows Micheal the 1056 plane plans. I think this because on page 76 the text says "It was a secret so big it could  change the course of the world." this helps my claim because that means Michel now knows that he can change the war. My second piece of evidence is "Maybe change the fate of the world. And i had it right in my hands.  


Elena Luong

I think the inciting incident is when Fritz shows Michael the blueprints for Projekt 1065. For my first piece of evidence, it said on page 73, ¨taking pictures¨, Simon said. ¨Photos ruined, though...all for nothing...Nazis are developing some new kind of without propellers...super fast...caught it on runway during test...they call it...Projekt 1065...¨. My first piece of evidence supports my claim because this is when we find out why Simon was out in broad daylight and what Projekt 1065 is. For my second piece of evidence, the author says on page 77, ¨The big blue piece of paper was a blueprint. A technical drawing of a new kind of airplane that hadn´t been built yet. An airplane without propellers.¨ ¨Projekt 1065! It said the name of the project right there in the corner.¨ My second piece of evidence proves my claim because it is when Fritz shows Michael the blueprints. For my last piece of evidence, it says on page 79, ¨I had to get my hands on the rest of those blueprints.¨ My last piece of evidence proves my claim because it is when Michael gets his job, to get the blueprints to save the world. As you can see, the  inciting incident is when Fritz shows Michael the blueprints for Projekt 1065. 


Reagan B.

The inciting incident is when Michel figures out that Fritz has the blueprints to Projekt 1065. Some evidence I found from the text is, "Fritz pulled a big blue piece of paper from his rucksack and pressed it into my hands. He smiled at my, eyes wide, like I should be amazed at what I was seeing. To tell the truth, I didn't know what I was looking at. Not at first. But when I did, I was woke up for good. Fast. It was a secret so big it could change the whole course of the war. Maybe change the fate of the war. And I had it right there in my hands." (pg's. 75-76) This piece of evidence supports my answer because this is when Michel realizes that he could change everything in the war. Michel also realizes he does want to be friends with Fritz now so that he can change the course of the war.