Point of View

Point of View is

Perspective in which the story is told

Explain with text evidence what point of view is being used in the story.


by Elena Luong

The point of view for the book, Projekt 1065, is first person. To start, first person is when the author writes from the point of view of one character. This results in always saying me or I. Projekt 1065 always says this. It says this on every page but I have picked a few. I know this because my evidence is when it says on page 3, "Everywhere I'd looked I'd seen faces full of smiles and laughter. " This proves my claim because it is saying I'd and saying what the main character, Micheal, had seen and felt.  My second piece of evidence is on page 17, " I was going to be caught, and my family and I would be thrown in prison camp." It supports my claim because it is another example of when the main character says their feelings and what they were experiencing. My last piece of evidence is when it says on page 63,"I was surprised that he used the word gumshoe." That last piece of evidence proves my claim of the point of view for the book, Projekt 1065, is first person, because it is explaining it from one character, he is surprised.