Important Lessons

Many characters learn lessons throughout a story...

What are some of the hardest or most important lessons learned?

Use evidence (direct quotes) from the text to support your answer.  
Explain how this lesson affected the character.


by: Elena Luong 

An important lesson for Fritz to learn would be, it is to be careful who you trust. This is because in the story Fritz becomes friends with Michael. Michael is an Irish spy, but Fritz doesn't find out till the end. They become very good friends, Fritz even tells Michael his secret. And Michael tells Fritz his secret. They always help each other out, while the whole time Michael is a spy. I know this because my evidence is on page 39, "Without giving it another moment's thoughts, I threw myself into the fight." The second piece is when it says on page 147, "Then Fritz pulled away the music sheets and revealed what was hidden underneath. Mystery novels. British and American mystery novels.  "My last piece of evidence is on page 285, "Oh, I'm sorry, Michael. I don't think you understand," Fritz said. "I already did." All of my three pieces prove my claim. The first one was when Michael and Fritz became friends. The second one was when Fritz revealed his secret. The last is when Fritz finds out Michael is a spy, and they fight.