Being in the Character's Shoes

Imagine you were in the character's shoes in one of the situations of the book...

How would you handle this situation?

If I was in Ma and Da's shoes when Michael rescued Simon, I would be a little shaken that Michael had risked his life just for Simon, and if he had been caught he would have been sent to a concentration camp a long with us. I would do this because in the real book Da was very mad at Michael that he did all that just for Simon, and if he was caught he would have been killed. He gave him this whole lecture to teach him that "sometimes you have to weigh the cost of one man's life against the value of a whole operation." Pg 66. However, if I was Ma and Da I would not be that mad at him I would be kind of proud and mad at the same time, because he was not caught but at the same time he could have been killed. This evidence explains that I would act a little bit different than Ma and Da did in the real book, but they are good parents to Michael by teaching him a lessen to be a bit more careful and think before he does things. 


February 21, 2024