Birthday Gift

If you could buy the perfect gift for this character...

What would it be?

What evidence from the text makes you think this is the best gift?
Explain why you chose this gift and how would you predict the character would react and why.

If I could by Horst a gift I would get him a book of how to listen to yourself and not to others. I know that he would not read it but it is worth a try. I would get him this because he really needs to learn this so it would be important for him to read it. Horst is not the person that does his own thing, he just follows everybody else, so he needs these facts in him. When I give it to him I would tell him, " You should read this is good stuff!" and I guess he would reply with something like this, " What is this!? Are you trying to put me back in school, get out of my house!" *rips book in half* This is because he is happy living his own life so he would not want to read this. Reagan B.