Adjectives that Describe

What are 3 adjectives that describe this character?

Include examples of the character's thoughts, feelings, and actions to support why you chose each adjective. 
Explain how those examples demonstrate each adjective.

-Emma Tolle 


Simon is very calm he is always looking for a bright side in times of stress I know this because on page 129 it says " Simon nodded "Just remember what we worked on. Keep yourself distracted." " That shows that he is calm and caring. Simon is also very funny I know this because on page 89 the text states " "An English man, a Scott's man, and an Irish man meet a magical man at the top of a tall building. The wizard tells them that if they jump off the building, whatever they say while they are falling will appear at the bottom. So the English man jumps off first being the bravest of them all, and yells "PILLOWS." and lands in a pile of pillows. The Scott's man jumps off next and on the way down he yells "Hay!" and lands in a big pile of hay. last up is the Irish man, but he trips on the edge of the building right as he is about to jump, and as he falls he yells "Oh crap." this shows that Simon is and very funny and good at making jokes. This shows that Simon is calm, funny, and caring.