
Year 6

Music Learning Task


Hello Year 6, welcome to your online Music learning 2.0!

This week we will be continuing our unit on "Why is music in our culture and part of our life?"

If you need any help or support please email me at:

Year 6 Music Conference Times

Tuesday Session 4


12:30 - 12:40pm


12:40 - 12:50pm


12:55 - 1:05pm


1:05 - 1.15pm


1:20 - 1:30pm

Remember to record or write down all your thinking!

You'll need to bring it back to school, it will be assessed for your Semester Two Report.

Task 9

"Film Music"

This task will go over three weeks.

If you've finished your Graduation lyrics and would like them considered for Graduation, please upload them here:

Year 6 Graduation Song Lyrics - Google Drive

This week we'll begin our film composition unit.

  • We've been looking at how lyrics can communicate a story.

  • Last week we started looking at how music can convey, or enhance, emotion.

  • This week you'll start composing your own music to accompany one of these clips.


  1. Choose a clip from the list.

    • (You might have login to Google Drive with your email to view it.)

  1. Think about what genre, or style of music, would fit your clip?

  1. What emotion do you want the audience to feel while they watch the clip?

    • Excited, suspenseful, nervous, peaceful, energetic, happy?

  1. You can use GarageBand Loops, GarageBand instruments, record yourself playing an instrument or other music apps to record your soundtrack.


    • You will need to divide your clip into sections and compose music for each section.

When you've finished recording your music:

  1. When putting your music to the clip you have two options:

  1. Drag your clip into iMovie and then export your GarageBand music into iMovie.

  2. Using split screen play your recording and play your music in GarageBand. Then use screen record to record the clip and music together.

F Zero

F Zero Clip.mp4

Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing Clip.mp4


Frozen Clip.mp4

Harry Potter

Harry Potter Clip.mp4

Pixar Short Clip

Pixar Short Clip.mp4


Mario Clip.mp4

Resources From Previous Weeks

Task 8

"Emotion & Music"

This week we will be focusing on how music conveys emotion.

  • We've spent the last four weeks looking at how lyrics communicate a story and emotion. Now we'll look at how music does that.

  • Next week you'll be composing your own music to go with a film clip.

Watch these YouTube clips

Please think about:

  • What did you notice with the different music playing with the same clip?

  • How did the music change?

    • When the genre (style of music) changed, how did you feel?

    • Did the use of different instruments change the feeling of the scene?

    • Or did the tempo (speed) affect the scene?

    • Which music did you think fits best with the clip? Why?

If you haven't, please finish your Graduation lyrics.