2020-21 Events

2020-21 Telescope Network News & Events

2021 Telescope Network Program Overview

2021 Telescope Network Program Overview

(June 2021) This report summarizes the work and impact of the Telescope Network during the 2020-21 school year. It includes data about Telescope Network programs and participation.

(Report Link)

June 2021 Needs Assessment Report

(July 2021) We are pleased to share the end of year Telescope Network Professional Learning Needs Assessment report. Compiled by our Networkers, Alison Mosher and Mark Lonergan, it includes insights from educators about their needs and preferences in both content and format for professional learning in summer and next year. The report also includes trends by grade level, a section on the big questions of practice on educators' minds (instructional and operational), and data disaggregated to reflect the professional learning interests of educators of color..

(Report Link)

Virtual PLCs

(Ongoing) Connect & Share with Your Same-Role Colleagues: Would you be interested in a virtual professional learning community? It’s a chance to connect with same-role colleagues from across the district. It’s a space to share resources and dilemmas. Participate when and how you want to.

(More Info)

AFT TEACH 2021 Conference Session

(July 2021) On July 7, Telescope Networker Mark Lonergan will be presenting a session as part of the American Federation of Teachers TEACH 2021 conference entitled "Trivial Pursuits: How a Virtual Trivia League Can Increase Teacher Collaboration."

(Session Slideshow & Handout)

Spring 2021 Trivia

Telescope Trivia Spring 2021

Thanks for joining us for Telescope Trivia this year. We hosted 25 weekly games plus two trivia events. Overall, we had 128 people participate in one or more trivia sessions this year. We hope to be back in Fall 2021.

(More Info | RSVP | Sample quiz)

Connect & Share Series

(April 2021) Join us for our final session in our Connect & Share series of teacher-led and educator-led panel discussions. On Thursday, April 29, 2021 from 4:30 to 6:00, we are co-hosting Connect & Share panel discussions on the topic "Effective Hybrid Practices." Hear from your BPS colleagues about what's working and how they're supporting roomies and zoomies in their classrooms and schools. Connect with peers from across BPS, get new ideas, and earn PD hours as well.

(RSVP & more info)

New Teacher Trivia Night

Join us on Thursday, March 4th from 7:30-8:45 PM for 4 rounds of trivia fun. We’ll have questions on pop culture, geography, and other fun topics. Make a team, or come join a team. There will be small prizes for the winners and bonus points for any team that includes a 1st year teacher or a new teacher (year 2 or 3). This event is open to all BPS employees and their family members.

(RSVP | Add to calendar)

BLM at BTU 2021 Events

(January 2021) Two upcoming PD events that link to the Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action:

  • On Thursday, January 28, 2021, the BTU and Telescope Network hosted a virtual EdCamp around the theme of Black Lives Matter at School. We had 19 participants join this event. It event was a precursor to the BLM at School Week of Action.

  • On Monday, February 2, 2021, we co-hosted Connect & Share panel discussions on the topic "Yes We CAN Talk About Race." We had 79 participants join these panel discussions.

  • See session notes and presentation materials at tinyurl.com/BLMatBTU2021

(More info)

Connect & Share Sessions on 8/19 and 8/20

(August 2020) On August 19 and 20, we presented several sessions as part o the district-wide PD week for all educators. All session details and materials are posted at tinyurl.com/BPSconnect2020.

On Wednesday 8/19, we had 364 educators join us for panel discussions and break-out room conversations around the theme of "Equitable Recovery."

  • 282 educators joined the "Building Positive Classroom Communities During Remote Learning" panel discussions.

  • 241 educators joined the "Antiracism During Remote Learning" panel discussions.

  • 98 percent of participants said that they'd recommend this session to a friend or colleague.

On Thursday 8/20, we co-hosted a "Technology Summit" with the BPS Tech Team.

  • We had 508 educators join for one or more session. Average participant joined for 2 sessions.

  • 97 percent of participants said that they'd recommend this session to a friend or colleague.

(More Info & Links)