Early Childhood

Virtual Edcamp

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

4:30 - 6 pm


10.5.21 Early Childhood Virtual Edcamp

Virtual Edcamp for Early Childhood Educators

(October 2021) Virtual Edcamp for Early Childhood Educators 10/5: The start of the year has presented much to celebrate and many challenges for our early childhood classrooms. On October 5, the Telescope Network, along with the BPS Early Childhood Department and BPS Office of Health and Wellness, hosted an Edcamp for 63 participants. It was a chance for PreK to Grade 2 educators to share their questions and challenges, connect with colleagues from across Boston, and discuss solutions.

  • One participant said, “I had a chance to hear from other people about the challenges they are experiencing as well as some strategies to deal with the challenges.”

  • Another participant said, “This was one of the most professionally conducted workshops I've ever attended in my 17 yrs at BPS!

  • 98% of participants (48 out of 49 exit tickets) said that they would recommend this session to a colleague.

(Flyer | Website)

Our theme was "Taking Care in PreK to Grade 2." How are we supporting PreK-2 children and families? And how are we taking care of ourselves and each other?



Session Schedule & Padlet

Visit this Padlet to start generating session topics.

Schedule / Padlet

/Exit Ticket

Please fill out this exit ticket to sign-in and give us your feedback. BPS Participants will also be awarded 1.5 PD hours for attending.

What is an Edcamp?

Edcamps are “unconferences” where there is no pre-set session agenda. The New York Times describes Edcamps as “an innovative form of training with no predetermined speakers or sessions, led by the participants themselves.” At an Edcamp, participants create the session topics at the start of the event based on their interests and questions. Edcamps provide educators with a professional learning model for growing, connecting, and sharing expertise with others in the room.

Why Edcamp?

Edcamp is a chance to connect, learn from each other, and figure out together how to think through the challenges in our early childhood classrooms as we return to in-person learning. We hope you’ll leave with new ideas and new connections.

What's the Telescope Network?

The Telescope Network is a BPS/BTU initiative to support teacher-driven, student-centered professional learning. Our goal is to connect BPS educators to resources, opportunities, and each other.