K1 Literacy Learning Site

In a Learning Site, educators come together for a full day in a live classroom around a common area of practice (also can accommodate a ½ day model). Participants talk with the host teacher and set goals for their own classrooms. Participants who continue the learning through virtual follow-up sessions are also able to earn an academic ladder credit.

K1 Literacy Learning Site: How do we embed literacy development in K1 classrooms? Join us for a Learning Site facilitated by K1 educators at Ellison Parks & Mildred Avenue K-8 that will address this question. It's a half day professional learning experience where you can join together with colleagues, develop working theories towards a shared question, and see effective practices in action. There is also peer collaborative coaching post-learning site for an ALC credit or PDPs. In-person learning site on 1/27 or 2/3   

THANK YOU for all the educators that attended one of the Learning Sites at the Ellison Parks Early Education School or Mildred Avenue K-8 in Mattapan on the topic “How do we embed literacy development in K1 classrooms?”  Our host teachers were Spencer Ross (K1 Inclusion @ Ellison Parks) and Min Wang (K1 @ Mildred Avenue). We had 23 participants join from 14 different BPS schools/departments join this session. 

After the session, 100% of participants (21 out of 21 exit ticket responses) said that they would recommend this session to a colleague. Below is some of the feedback that came from the Learning Sites:

Here are some instructional changes that educators plan to bring back to their classrooms: