Edcamp for 

Educators of Color

Tuesday, November 14th, 2023

5:00 - 7:00 pm

11.14.23 EOC Edcamp


Engage in an open conversation about how your experiences, needs, and how identity impacts navigating classroom instruction and/or professional spaces. Come and connect with colleagues from across Greater Boston to discuss the "What does it mean to be an educator of color in public schools?"

BPS Participants will also be awarded 2 PD hours for attending.

THANK YOU for those that attended our Educator of Color Edcamp on 11/14 held at Dona Habana Restaurant in Boston’s South End.97% of participants (32 out of 33 exit ticket responses) said that they would recommend this session to a colleague. Additional comments from participants:

Based on this session, here’s some things that participants want to try in their own classrooms/schools:

What is an Edcamp?

Edcamps are “unconferences” where there is no pre-set session agenda. The New York Times describes Edcamps as “an innovative form of training with no predetermined speakers or sessions, led by the participants themselves.” At an Edcamp, participants create the session topics at the start of the event based on their interests and questions. Edcamps provide educators with a professional learning model for growing, connecting, and sharing expertise with others in the room. 

Why Edcamp?

Edcamp is a chance to connect, learn from each other, and figure out together how to think through new ways to create deeper learning experiences for students. We hope you’ll leave with new ideas and new connections.

The Edcamp Community and Edcamp BTU&BPS 2022 are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of religion, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or age. The Edcamp Community does not tolerate harassment or bullying in any form of anyone at an Edcamp or at any events sponsored by the Edcamp Community. At the discretion of the Organizers, Participants violating these rules may be asked by Organizers to leave an Edcamp event; and at the discretion of the Edcamp Community, Organizers who violate this Policy may be precluded from hosting and organizing future Edcamp events. Our anti-harassment policy can be found at: https://digitalpromise.org/edcamp/anti-harassment-policy.