
The Telescope Network creates opportunities for BPS educators to collaborate across the district. We improve learning experiences for all our students when we connect with peers, share our authentic challenges, and learn from each other.

To do this work: 

What's happening now?

11/15 High School Student-Centered Illustrative Math (IM) Learning Site

High School Illustrative Math (IM) Learning Site: Are you looking to see Illustrative Math (IM) curriculum in action in a high school classroom?  This PD is an opportunity to join other educators for a day in a live classroom around a common area of practice. This learning site on 11/15/24 places the question of “How do we implement IM in a high school classroom to create inclusive, student centered math learning experiences?” within the context of a diverse classroom. Come see a Math 3 (11th grade) high school class at the Dearborn STEM Academy, led by Cindy Nguyen, where students are engaging in grade level, complex, IM tasks. After the observation, educators have a chance to think through and debrief with the host teacher around the hows and whys of their teaching practice with follow up coaching sessions for an ALC/PDPs.

More Info  / RSVP

11/18 SLIFE Educator Connect & Share Panel Disussion

Join Us for the SLIFE Educator In-Person Panel Discussion on 11/18 at Boston Teachers Union Hall. Come for dinner, panel discussion, PD hours & more!  This is a great opportunity to connect with colleagues, get ideas, and engage in meaningful conversations about best practices for serving SLIFE students and families. 

More Info  / RSVP

11.21 EOC Edcamp Flyer V.2 .pdf

11/21 Edcamp for Educator of Color

Being an educator of color can be equal parts rewarding and challenging. Engage in an open discussion about your experiences, needs, and how identity impacts navigating classroom instruction and/or professional spaces. Join us on November 21st from 5:00 to 7:00pm at the Roxbury Community College Alumni Lounge to connect with colleagues from across the district to discuss the question "What does it mean to be an educator of color in Boston Public Schools?" Dinner will be provided. (Flyer | RSVP)

More Info  / RSVP

12/13 Library Services Planning Cohort (Launch)

Join with a group of BPS colleagues to support one of the most crucial elements of teaching: planning. As a librarian, having the unique experience of planning for multiple grade levels can be challenging. In this planning cohort, you will have the opportunity to work with colleagues to familiarize yourself with grade level content and units so that you are able to cohesively plan lessons. The initial date will be a Unit Planning Launch in person session on December 13th from 9-12pm. The group will then meet virtually during the following Tuesdays or Thursdays, 8:30-9:30am or 2:00 - 3:00pm.

More Info  / RSVP


Spring 2024 Needs Assessment Report

More than 700 educators across the district told us what they wanted and needed to learn next to best support their students. Read about it in our Spring 2024 Needs Assessment Report. 

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Decoding Educator Voice

After more than 15 years as a teacher, Mike Garland (Grew Elementary) knows good professional development when he sees it. Last spring, he attended a Telescope Network Learning Site at J.F. Kennedy Elementary and it was exactly what he needed. “I couldn't have designed that, even in my best efforts,” he said. “But that was what I had been asking for: this idea of being able to talk with other teachers and see it modeled efficiently, and to be able to ask questions, and a space to hash it out together.” For Garland, the session on . . . 

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Peer Observations

One of the best ways to improve your practice is to observe someone else doing similar work. During a peer observation, you can observe a recommended BPS colleague. After the observation, you’ll have time to debrief and set goals to bring back to  your own classroom. Feel free to use our resources/templates to observe & debrief with a BPS colleague or complete the RSVP form if you want help finding a connection or facilitating your visit. 

More Info  / RSVP