Complex Texts Learning Site

In a Learning Site, educators come together for a full day in a live classroom around a common area of practice (also can accommodate a ½ day model). Participants talk with the host teacher and set goals for their own classrooms. Participants who continue the learning through virtual follow-up sessions are also able to earn an academic ladder credit.

Equitable Literacy Learning Site: How can we support all learners to engage with complex texts? Join us for a Learning Site facilitated by upper elementary educators at the Henry Grew School that will address this question. It's a half day professional learning experience where you can join together with colleagues, develop working theories towards a shared question, and see effective practices in action. There is also the opportunity for peer collaborative coaching post-learning site for an ALC credit or PDPs.

THANK YOU for all the educators that attended one of the Learning Site sessions at the Grew. Our host teacher was Emmanual Fairley-Pittman (Grade 5 @ Grew) and debrief facilitator was Natasha Gordon (ESL/Librarian @ Grew). We had 23 participants join from 14 different BPS schools/departments join this session.

After the session, 100% of participants (16 out of 16 exit ticket responses) said that they would recommend this session to a colleague. Here are some of the take aways and instructional change ideas that came from the Learning Site:

  • I will share the audiobook version of both our enabling and complex texts with ALL students to create an access point for every type of learner.

  • Push my students to do more of the heavy lifting--scaffold less, force students to work hard and engage. Most importantly to expect 100% engagement and access of the learning targets.

  • Metacognition + UDL + Share excitement = Student Success