Connect & Share

Fall 2021 Panels

Thank you . . .

(October 2021) Thank you to 95 attendees who joined us at our three fall Connect & Share sessions. 100% of attendees said that they would recommend these sessions to a colleague. We'll return in December with more educator-led panels of colleagues sharing what's working in their schools and in their classroom.

Scroll down to review the amazing presentations from BPS colleagues.

And Next

(October 2021) Please fill our our Fall Survey to help us design our future sessions. Your feedback helps us choose session topics and identify recommended presenters. The survey is open to any BPS employee. Respondents are entered to win a raffle prize ($25 Amazon gift cards and other prizes).

( Survey Link )

Connect & Share Fall 2021 Overview

Connect & Share Panel Discussion Series Fall 2021

Connect & Share Panel Discussions are a chance for colleagues to come together and share ideas about what's working in their classrooms and in their schools. All topics came from the Telescope Network's June Needs Assessment Survey asking educators what they needed to feel successful in this upcoming school year.

Fall 2021 Topics (scroll down for additional info)

  • August 26, 2021 topic "Equitable Classroom Community"

  • September 23, 2021 topic "Balancing Social and Emotional Learning & Content"

  • October 21, 2021 topic "Addressing Gaps in Learning"

RSVP here or on TeachPoint (search for "Telescope Network").

ALSO: Recommend a colleague to present at an upcoming session here

10/21/21 Session: Addressing Gaps in Learning

(October 2021) Our third Connect & Share panel discussion session of the year took place on October 21, 2021 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. on the topic of "Addressing Gaps in Learning." We had 30 educators join for this session. Session attendees gave very positive feedback for the session: 100% of participants (28 out of 28 exit ticket responses) said that they would recommend this session to a colleague. Some feedback from participants:

  • “I loved that teachers from various schools made it a priority to provide students a safe space, provided self-regulation strategies students could choose from and gave students the opportunity to express their emotions to self-regulate.”

  • “As a speech therapist, I really appreciated hearing from teachers and paraeducators regarding the specifics of reading instruction within the classroom. It was great to hear different perspectives.”

  • “I learned about how to do MAPS progress monitoring and its importance for my students.”

  • “I found all of the presentations really informative! It was packed with great information!”

Thanks for joining and we hope to see you in December for our next Connect & Share session.


20211021 Connect & Share Panel Discussion Info

9/23/21 Session: Balancing SEL & Content

Our second Connect & Share panel discussion session of the year took place on September 23, 2021 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. on the topic of "Balancing Social and Emotional Learning & Content." We had 25 educators join for this session. Session attendees gave very positive feedback for the session: 100% of participants (17 out of 17 exit ticket responses) said that they would recommend this session to a colleague. Some feedback from participants:

  • "I appreciated the fact that the elementary and secondary presenters were all in one group. It was nice to hear and learn about some of the SEL practices that elementary teachers are putting in place that I can use in my secondary classes as well."

  • "I learned something from each presenter! Very affirming to see that SEL is so cherished by so many other teachers."

  • "The presenters were amazing! They had such great resources!"

See the list of presenters and presentations below. Thanks for joining us and we hope to see you again next month!


20210923 Connect & Share Panel Discussion Info

8/26/21 Session: Equitable Classroom Community

Our first Connect & Share panel discussion session of the year took place on August 26, 2021 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. on the topic of "Equitable Classroom Community." We had 40 educators join for this session. Session attendees gave very positive feedback for the session: 100% of participants (31 out of 31 exit ticket responses) said that they would recommend this session to a colleague. One participant said, "Another great and informative presentation. Thank you!"

See the list of inspiring presenters and presentations below. Thanks for joining us and we hope to see you again next month!


20210826 Connect & Share Panel Discussion Info

More Info about Connect & Share Sessions

What's the Telescope Network?

The Telescope Network is a BPS/BTU initiative to support teacher-driven, student-centered professional learning. Our goal is to connect BPS educators to resources, opportunities, and each other.

Additional Information about Connect & Share sessions

Why is this event important?

In this Connect and Share event, educators will learn from colleagues and make connections to one another. Educators need to connect to one another to share best practices.

How were the topics chosen?

Themes for each Connect & Share session are based on the Telescope Network's needs assessment surveys of educators aross BPS.

How were the presenters chosen?

Presenters are educators who have been nominated as “bright spots” by colleagues or supervisors.

Who is eligible to attend?

Any educator is eligible to attend.

Are Paraprofessionals welcome? Yes.

Will PD hours or PDPs be provided?

Every participant will receive 1.5 PD hours on TeachPoint. PDPs are generally only available for experiences of 10 hours or more.