3 - CSS Guidelines

Avoid inlined styles

For performance (and DRY) reasons, avoid inlined styles. There already are some classes you can use. Otherwise, create specific ones.

CSS Minification

Stylesheets are processed using the wro4j maven plugin. Wro4j generates a squash.core.css and a couple of squash.<color>.css, which contain the concatenated, minified css classes.

When creating a page template, you simply need to import both the squash.core.css and the appropriate squash.<color>.css stylesheets.

If you need to add a new color pattern to Squash TM, you should define a "group" in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/wro.xml which references the new color of the pattern files. Simply copy/paste an existing group and change the names. You should also make the wro4j maven plug-in process this new group by adding it to tm.web's pom.xml (see below).














Note: The <targetGroup> element needs to be written on a single line with no spaces around the commas, otherwise it will not be parsed correctly.