4.01 - Test case management

4.1.1 Create a Test case

Prerequisite: A project is already created. The user has the necessary accreditation to create a test case.

  1. Reach the Test case workspace

  2. Click on the name of the project, folder or sub-folder in which you want to create your test case.

  3. Click on [Create...] ([+]), a drop down menu unfolds with several options.

  4. a. To create a classic test case, click on [New test case...]. A pop-up window « Add a test case » in which you can fill in the fields characterizing your test case opens itself. The field "Name" is the only mandatory field.
    b. To create a Gherkin test case, click on [New Gherkin test case...]. A pop-up window « Add a test case » in which you can fill in the fields characterizing your test case opens itself. The field "Name" is the only mandatory field.
    c. To create a BDD test case, click on [New BDD test case...]. A pop-up window « Add a test case » in which you can fill in the fields characterizing your test case opens itself. The field "Name" is the only mandatory field.

  5. Click on [Add] if you want to add only one test case or click on [Add another] if you want to add several test cases at the same time.

  6. The new test case(s) is displayed in the library tree structure.

4.1.2 Rename a Test case

Prerequisite: A test case was already created.

1. Select the test case you want to rename.

2. There are three ways to rename the selected test case:
a. Via key [F2],
b. Via the library toolbar, by clicking on [Rename item (F2)...]:

c. Via [Rename] in the test case consultation page toolbar:

3. After pressing on [F2] or clicking on Rename item (F2)...] or [Rename], a pop-up window « Rename item » opens up.

4. In the pop-up window, change the name of the requirement in the field "New name" and click on [Confirm)] to validate the change (or [Cancel] to stop it). The change is displayed in the tree structure and in the requirement name field.

4.1.3 Delete a Test case

Prerequisite: A test case was already created.

1. Select the test case you want to delete.

2. There are 2 ways to delete the selected test case:
a. Via key [Del],
b. Via the library toolbar, by clicking on [Delete (del)...]:

3. After pressing on [Del] or clicking on [Delete (del)...], a pop-up window « Remove Item » is displayed and asks to confirm or cancel the deletion.

4. In the pop-up window, click on [Confirm] to validate the deletion (or [Cancel] to stop it). If you confirm the deletion, the item will be definitively erased from the tree structure and the database.