2.01 - Installation with Windows

From Squash TM 1.17, it is IMPERATIVE to use Java 8, Java 7 is not supported anymore.

Installing Squash TM as a Windows service with universal package (.zip)

  • Unzip the archive .zip and move the contents to the chosen location (i.e c:\<rep>).

The Windows process associated to Squash TM must have reading and writing rights on Squash install location.

DB_URL="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/squashtm" or "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/squashtm"

DB_TYPE="mysql" or "postgresql"



    • Install the service with:

c:\\Squash-TM\bin\squash-tm.exe install


Please note that the Windows installer (.jar) is for testing purpose only. It should not be used for production.