2.06 - Upgrading Squash TM

WARNING: before any modification, stop Squash TM

Users are provided with .sql upgrade scripts in each Squash TM release (see in /database-script’ ).

For Squash TM 1.13 and 1.14, the upgrade steps were slightly modified.

For Squash TM 1.15, logging libraries were upgraded, the logging configuration file and startup script must be updated.

From Squash TM 1.17 on, it is IMPERATIVE to use Java 8, Java 7 is not supported anymore.

The upgrade database steps are described below, depending on the origin and destination versions.

From Squash TM 1.20, the indexing is removed. Thus, this option is not available anymore.

Upgrading Squash TM from 1.22.0 to 1.22.4

In order to upgrade Squash TM from version 1.22.0 to version 1.22.4, it is necessary to run scripts on the database.

  1. Stop Squash TM

    1. Backup your database, your configuration file and your startup file

    2. To upgrade the database, run the following scripts in that order: 'DBType-upgrade-to-1.22.2.sql' -> 'DBType-upgrade-to-1.22.3.sql'

    3. Follow the updated Squash installation instruction (see 2 - Installing Squash TM)

    4. Copy and paste the backed up startup and configuration files to the new release

    5. Run Squash TM

Upgrading Squash TM from 1.21.X to 1.22+

Warning : from version 1.22, Debian and Red Hat packages are deprecated. They will no longer be supported from version 2.0 of Squash.

1. Database

During the upgrade to 1.22, warnings on the triggers may appear. These warnings are for information only and have no impact on the application.

2. Test automation server

Following the upgrade of Squash to 1.22, the login credentials for test automation servers will be lost because stored differently in the database. They will have to be filled in again on the consultation page of the automated execution server in the 'Authentication policy' block:

Upgrading Squash TM from 1.20.X to 1.21+

The upgrade script to version 1.21 may process longer than normal when there are a large number of executions in the Squash database.

Upgrading Squash TM from 1.19.X to 1.20+

In order to upgrade to version 1.20, the usual procedure applies (binaries replacement, execution of the SQL scripts that are needed…).

Nonetheless, the indexing was removed in version 1.20. This appendix details the impact of this removal.

1. Removal of luceneindexes (optional)

As the indexing is removed, the “luceneindexes” directory is no longer of use. Here are the steps to be carried out:

  1. Remove the “luceneindexes” directory

To find it:

  • Open the startup script (startup.bat for Windows, startup.sh for Linux, squash-tm for Debian and Redhat

  • Find "LUCENE_DIR": the location will be mentioned

2. Remove the luceneindexes mentions in the startup script

If the startup script was not replaced when upgrading, it is necessary to remove the following elements in the script:

  • The line: LUCENE_DIR=%SQUASH-TM_HOME%/luceneindexes

    • The parameter --spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.search.default.indexBase=%LUCENE_DIR%, which can be found on the parameter definition line of java process.

3. Remove the luceneindexes mentions from the Squash TM configuration file

If the configuration file (squash.tm.cfg.properties) in the Squash TM “conf” directory, was not replaced when upgrading, it is required to remove the following element in this file:

  • The property:


2. Warning when the script is upgraded

When the script is upgraded to the version 1.20, warnings may be displayed.

These warnings are for information purpose only and will not have any impact on the application. They are the result of the indexing removal and the FULLTEXT index addition for search.

For MySQL database:

The following message is displayed: WARNING: 1

By clicking on SHOW WARNINGS, the following message is displayed: "InnoDB rebuilding table to add column FTS_DOC_ID"

For PostgresSQL database:

For each word having more than 2047 characters (for instance, images that are directly pasted in the “rich text” fields), the following messages are displayed:

“NOTICE: the word is too long to be indexed”

“DETAIL: the words having more than 2047 characters are ignored”

3. Creating an extension (only on PostgreSQL)

This point, only concerns the updating of postgreSQL databases.

The upgrade script for version 1.20.0 contains a "CREATE EXTENSION" command which requires superuser rights on the database. As the "uuid-ossp" extension is not necessarily installed, you need to check its availability on the instance via the following request:

SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions;

If the Squash user with whom the ugrade script is passed does not have superuser rights, the following request must be passed manually as a superuser on the Squash database, then pass the upgrade script with the Squash user:


Upgrading Squash TM from 1.18- to 1.19+

In Squash TM 1.19, several internal composant have been updated. When upgrading to Squash TM 1.19, it is necessary to:

  • delete the content of the lucenceindexes directory

  • update the startup script

Here is the upgrade procedure:

  1. Backup your database

    1. Execute in growing order the files of which xxx is higher than the release number to be updated, and where the DBType is the one of your database ('DBType-upgrade-to-xxx.sql').

    2. Follow the updated Squash installation instruction (see 2 - Installation of Squash TM)

    3. Update the startup configuration file for the new release (see below 1.Deleting the content of the luceneindexes directory)

    4. If modified, copy and paste the former conf/ file to the new file /conf/squash.tm.cfg.properties

  2. Delete the content of the luceneindexes directory (see below 2. Updating the startup script)

1. Deleting the content of the luceneindexes directory

    1. Access the luceneindexes directory. To locate it:

      • open the startup script (startup.bat for Windows, startup.sh for Linux, squash-tm for Debian and Redhat)

      • find "LUCENE_DIR" : the location will be mentioned

    2. Delete the content of the lucenindexes directory

2. Updating the startup script

a) Option 1: Replace the startup script

~SQUASH: Squash TM install repository

If Squash TM is deployed on a Windows environment:

    1. Save the file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.bat

    2. Replace this file with the one in Squash TM 1.19 distribution: /bin/startup.bat

    3. Copy the database configuration and every other modifications from the saved file to the new file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.bat

If Squash TM is deployed on a Linux or MacOS environment:

    1. Save the file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.sh

    2. Replace this file with the one in Squash TM 1.15 distribution: /bin/startup.sh

    3. Copy the database configuration and every other modifications from the saved file to the new file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.sh

b) Option 2: Edit the startup script

If Squash TM is deployed on a Windows environment:

    1. Save the file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.bat to restore if necessary

    2. In the file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.bat, find the following line:

  1. set DAEMON_ARGS=%JAVA_ARGS% -Djava.io.tmpdir=%TMP_DIR% -Dlogging.dir=%LOG_DIR% -jar %JAR_NAME% --spring.profiles.active=%DB_TYPE% --spring.config.location=file:%CONF_DIR%/ --spring.config.name=application,squash.tm.cfg --squash.path.root=%SQUASH-TM_HOME% --squash.path.bundles-path=%BUNDLES_DIR% --squash.path.plugins-path=%PLUGINS_DIR% --server.port=%HTTP_PORT% --server.tomcat.basedir=%TOMCAT_HOME% --hibernate.search.default.indexBase=%LUCENE_DIR% --logging.config=%CONF_DIR%/log4j2.xml

      1. Edit the properties:

              1. Former property

              2. --spring.config.location=file:%CONF_DIR%/

              3. --hibernate.search.default.indexBase=%LUCENE_DIR%

              1. New property

              2. --spring.config.additional-location=file:%CONF_DIR%/

              3. --spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.search.default.indexBase=%LUCENE_DIR%

If Squash TM is deployed on a Linux or MacOS environment:

    1. Save the file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.sh to restore if necessary

    2. In the file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.sh, find the following line:

  1. set DAEMON_ARGS=%JAVA_ARGS% -Djava.io.tmpdir=%TMP_DIR% -Dlogging.dir=%LOG_DIR% -jar %JAR_NAME% --spring.profiles.active=%DB_TYPE% --spring.config.location=file:%CONF_DIR%/ --spring.config.name=application,squash.tm.cfg --squash.path.root=%SQUASH-TM_HOME% --squash.path.bundles-path=%BUNDLES_DIR% --squash.path.plugins-path=%PLUGINS_DIR% --server.port=%HTTP_PORT% --server.tomcat.basedir=%TOMCAT_HOME% --hibernate.search.default.indexBase=%LUCENE_DIR% --logging.config=%CONF_DIR%/log4j2.xml

      1. Edit the properties:

              1. Former property

              2. --spring.config.location=file:%CONF_DIR%/

              3. --hibernate.search.default.indexBase=%LUCENE_DIR%

              1. New property

              2. --spring.config.additional-location=file:%CONF_DIR%/

              3. --spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.search.default.indexBase=%LUCENE_DIR%

3. Debian Upgrade

If squash-tm has been installed from squashtest repo for Debian (i.e installed with apt commands):

1. Backup your database

2. apt upgrade squash-tm

If your squashtm database has been automatically configured with dbconfig-common, then dbconfig-common will ask you if you wish it to automatically upgrade your database scheme. Please decline it.

3. Upgrade your database scheme:

cd /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/squash-tm/upgrade/{mysql/pgsql}

run the needed sql script (if your previous squash-tm version is 1.18.+, run the 1.19.0 script against your squashtm database ; if your previous version is 1.17.+, run 1.18.0 script against your database and then run 1.19.0 script)

4. Delete the content of your squash-tm cache:

cd /var/cache/squash-tm/lucene-indexes

rm -rf *

5. Check your init script (/etc/init.d/squash-tm) is using the new version, i.e new parameter names for java arguments (See below 2. Updating the startup script)

6. Restart squash-tm

Here is an example of upgrading squash-tm from 1.17.4 to 1.19.1:

root@example: ~# apt policy squash-tm


Installed: 1.17.4.RELEASE-8

Candidate: 1.19.1.RELEASE-8

Version table:

1.19.1.RELEASE-8 500

500 http://repo.squashtest.org/debian stretch/main amd64 Packages

*** 1.17.4.RELEASE-8 100

100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

## OK, a new squash-tm version is available

## let's backup our database:

root@example: ~# mysqldump -u squash-tm -p squashtm > squash_dump_$(date +%F).sql

Enter password:

root@example: ~# ls -lh

total 2.1G

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.1K Jan 15 15:11 backup.crt

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.7K Jan 15 15:10 backup.key

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 614 Feb 8 10:49 local_deploy_ssl.sh

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.1G Feb 20 15:22 squash_dump_2019-02-20.sql

## let's upgrade squash-tm now:

root@example: ~# apt upgrade -y squash-tm

## let's upgrade our database:

root@example: ~# cd /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/squash-tm/upgrade/mysql/

root@example /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/squash-tm/upgrade/mysql# mysql -u squash-tm -p squashtm < 1.18.0

Enter password:

root@example /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/squash-tm/upgrade/mysql# mysql -u squash-tm -p squashtm < 1.19.0

Enter password:

## clear squash-tm cache:

root@example /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/squash-tm/upgrade/mysql# cd /var/cache/squash-tm/lucene-indexes/

root@example /var/cache/squash-tm/lucene-indexes# rm -rf *

## restart squash:

root@example: ~# systemctl restart squash-tm

## make sure everything went fine

root@example: ~# tail -f /var/log/squash-tm/squash-tm.log

# until a see a line like:

[19-02-20 15:36:32.529] SquashTM - 5360 INFO [main] [] --- org.squashtest.tm.SquashTm: Started SquashTm in 41.821 seconds (JVM running for 42.751)

Upgrading Squash TM from 1.16- to 1.18.5

  1. Backup your database

    1. Execute in growing order the files of which xxx is higher than the release number to be updated, and where the DBType is the one of your database ('DBType-upgrade-to-xxx.sql').

    2. Follow the updated Squash installation instruction (see 2 - Installation of Squash TM)

    3. Copy and paste the former startup configuration file to the new release

    4. If modified, copy and paste the former conf/ file to the new file /conf/squash.tm.cfg.properties

Upgrading Squash TM from 1.14.2- to 1.15+

In Squash TM 1.15, logging library has been upgraded from Log4j to Log4j2. Logging configuration file must be updated.

The procedure has two steps:

    • Logging configuration file migration

    • Squash TM startup script migration

The usual procedure must be followed as well (execution of SQL scripts to upgrade the database, substitution of configuration files if modified, etc. See "Upgrade Squash TM from 1.13+ to 1.13+" section below).

~SQUASH: Squash TM install repository

1. Updating the logging configuration file

NB: Log4j2 can be configured with several formats. Squash TM uses XML format by default. You can pick another format for Squash TM logging configuration, but if you change the configuration file type, do not forget to type in the correct name and extension in the Squash TM run command (see "Update the run script").

2. Updating the startup script

a) Option 1: Replace the startup script

If Squash TM is deployed on a Windows environment:

    1. Save the file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.bat

    2. Replace this file with the one in Squash TM 1.15 distribution: /bin/startup.bat

    3. Copy the database configuration and every other modifications from the saved file to the new file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.bat

If Squash TM is deployed on a Linux or MacOS environment:

    1. Save the file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.sh

    2. Replace this file with the one in Squash TM 1.15 distribution: /bin/startup.sh

    3. Copy the database configuration and every other modifications from the saved file to the new file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.sh

b) Option 2: Edit the startup script

If Squash TM is deployed on a Windows environment:

    1. Save the file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.bat to restore if necessary

    2. In the file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.bat, find the following line:

  1. set DAEMON_ARGS=%JAVA_ARGS% -Djava.io.tmpdir=%TMP_DIR% -Dlogging.dir=%LOG_DIR% -jar %JAR_NAME% --spring.profiles.active=%DB_TYPE% --spring.config.location=file:%CONF_DIR%/squash.tm.cfg.properties --squash.path.root=%SQUASH-TM_HOME% --squash.path.bundles-path=%BUNDLES_DIR% --squash.path.plugins-path=%PLUGINS_DIR% --server.port=%HTTP_PORT% --server.tomcat.basedir=%TOMCAT_HOME% --hibernate.search.default.indexBase=%LUCENE_DIR% --logging.config=%CONF_DIR%/log4j.properties

      1. Edit the property:

              1. Former property

              2. --logging.config=%CONF_DIR%/log4j.properties

              1. New property

              2. --logging.config=%CONF_DIR%/log4j2.xml

If Squash TM is deployed on a Linux or MacOS environment:

    1. Save the file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.sh to restore if necessary

    2. In the file ~SQUASH/bin/startup.sh, find the following line:

    3. set DAEMON_ARGS=%JAVA_ARGS% -Djava.io.tmpdir=%TMP_DIR% -Dlogging.dir=%LOG_DIR% -jar %JAR_NAME% --spring.profiles.active=%DB_TYPE% --spring.config.location=file:%CONF_DIR%/squash.tm.cfg.properties --squash.path.root=%SQUASH-TM_HOME% --squash.path.bundles-path=%BUNDLES_DIR% --squash.path.plugins-path=%PLUGINS_DIR% --server.port=%HTTP_PORT% --server.tomcat.basedir=%TOMCAT_HOME% --hibernate.search.default.indexBase=%LUCENE_DIR% --logging.config=%CONF_DIR%/log4j.properties

    4. Edit the property:

            1. Former property

            2. --logging.config=%CONF_DIR%/log4j.properties

            1. New property

            2. --logging.config=%CONF_DIR%/log4j2.xml

Upgrading Squash TM from 1.12.6- to 1.13+

In TM 1.13, we switched from an OSGi container to a spring-boot based microservice container. From now on, the embedded servlet engine will be Tomcat instead of Jetty, and it will offer more configuration possibilites. To upgrade a SquashTM installation from a version prior to 1.13, to a version after 1.13, please follow these steps :

  1. Backup your database

    1. Run in the xxx growing order every 'DBType-upgrade-to-xxx.sql' script, of which number xxx is higher than the release number to be updated, and the DBType is the type of your database.

  2. Follow the updated Squash installation instruction (see 2 - Installation of Squash TM)

  3. All plug-ins need to be updated to TM 1.13 compatible versions. Every plug-in is now installed by dropping it in the ~SQUASH/plugins folder. Plug-ins installed in ~SQUASH/bundles will not be picked by Squash TM.

  4. Migrating startup shell scripts (startup.bat for windows, startup.sh for linux)

  5. You need to use the new shell scripts located in ~SQUASH/bin. In order to configure your application, you need to refer to the variables table below. All variable featuring "unchanged" in the 1.13+ column can be copied from your previous startup.bat/sh. All relative paths are relative to the shell location of the script i.e. ~SQUASH/bin. Unlisted variables should not be modified anyway. Please note that you must configure the variable DB_TYPE, which was not existing before 1.13.

  1. Migrating configuration files

  2. Only 2 configuration files are required in the ~SQUASH/conf folder : squash.tm.cfg.properties and log4j.properties

  3. These former configuration files are no longer used and can safely be removed : felix.config.properties and felix.system.properties

  4. If you configured Squath TM using properties from any other ~SQUASH/conf/services/*.properties file, you should migrate these properties in ~SQUASH/conf/squash.tm.cfg.properties according to the following table. Properties which are not listed below should not be migrated. These were not configurable properties : they were not to be changed in any way.

Updating Squash TM from version 1.12.6- to version 1.12.6-

To update the database, you will have to run all scripts 'bdd-upgrade-to-xxx.sql' where bdd is the type of your database, and xxx is higher than the version to update from (the scripts have to be run in the xxx growing order).

For example : for an update from 1.0.2 to 1.1.1 on a MySQL database, you need to run in this order :

  • mysql-upgrade-to-1.1.0.RELEASE.sql

  • mysql-upgrade-to-1.1.1.sql


Even though our upgrade scripts are thoroughly tested before each release, we strongly recommend that you back up your database before using them.

To complete the update, you must index your datas :

  1. Login as administrator in Squash

  2. Go to administration workspace

  3. Click on [Index management]

  4. Click on [Index everything]

Your database is now ready.

H2 database

In order to retrieve your data, you need a tool to connect to your h2 database. For example, razor SQL will enable you to easily connect with your database (select H2 , then H2 embedded).

Once you are logged in (squash>squashtm>data>squash-tm.h2.db), you are able to run the migration scripts of the database (squash>squashtm>database-scripts> h2-upgrade-to-1.1.1.RELEASE.sql).

FOCUS : Recommended

The embeded h2 database of Squash is not optimal for production maybe you should consider migrating to SQL (as seen here)

Property files

Once the application is installed on your disk, you might want to import your previous server configuration (in the conf/services directory). Copying and pasting would be sufficient, except if changes were made, or if properties were added in the new version. In the latter case, you will be notified about it.

Clearing Cache

Finally, you need to clear the browser cache for all the client machine for the domain hosting the instance of Squash TM. You can usually do this by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Suppr, then selecting the cached Internet files. On the server, it may also help to remove the 'felix-cache' directory. Its location may vary, depending on the system it runs on.

DEBIAN Upgrade

1. Stop Squash

2. Upgrade squash :

sudo apt-get upgrage squash-tm

REDHAT Upgrade

1. Stop Squash

2. Upgrade your database (see above)

3. Upgrade Squash :

sudo yum upgrade squash-tm