5.07 - Export a campaign

Since the Squash TM 1.6.0 version was released, you can export your campaign in .csv format.

Here is the procedure to follow with Squash TM 1.7.0.

Prerequisite: A project is created, and contains a campaign.

  1. Select the campaign in the tree structure, then click on [Import/Export] (seen here)

2. Choose the type of export you want.

There are 3 types of campaign export : light, standard and full. The light and full exports are available since the release of the 1.7.0 version.

The full export lists the test steps of the campaign. Therefore, the test cases with no test step (this includes the automated tests cases) are not listed in it.

The different columns are listed below :

3. The name of the created file is: Campaign'sNameYYYYMMDDhhmmss.csv