
Eristalis tenax - Drone Fly

This large honeybee mimic is a common sight in the gardens on a sunny day in February. There are several similar species in the UK, but I've never seen any of them flying any earlier in the year than March.

Kleidocerys resedae

Commonly known as the birch catkin bug, and strongly associated with birch. Often found on fences around the reserve early in the year. c.5mm long.

Meliscaeva auricollis

A fairly nondescript looking hoverfly, which is far more easily identified at this time of year than later on, when there are several similar species also on the wing.

Episyrphus balteatus - Marmalade Hoverfly

Probably the commonest hoverfly in the UK, being found pretty much everywhere at all times of year. The abdominal markings are distinctive, although winter individuals like this tend to be somewhat darker.

Eupteryx melissae

A rather attractive little leafhopper which feeds on sage and related plants. Checking the bushes outside the house should turn up good numbers of them. c. 3mm long.