Andrena clarkella

Habitat: Heaths and open woodland and other sandy areas

Size: 13-16mm

Species Account: The first Andrena species to emerge each year, sometimes being seen as early as mid-February. Due to the early emergence Willow/Sallow catkins are the main source of pollen. Females are large, bulky bees, with brown hairs on the thorax matching the colour of the scopae, and black hairs on the face. The hind tibiae are entirely yellow/orange. Males are mostly golden haired, but with black hairs on the side of the face. The 3rd antennal segment is as long as 4 and 5 together. 4 is as long as wide and 5 is longer than wide. The hind tarsi and distal part of the hind tibiae are orange. Flies February to April.

Distribution Map


Andrena clarkella (f)
Andrena clarkella (f)
Andrena clarkella (f)


Andrena clarkella (m)
Andrena clarkella (m)
Andrena clarkella (m)
Andrena clarkella (m)