Hairy-footed Flower Bee - Anthophora plumipes

Habitat: Ubiquitous

Size: 14-15mm

Species account: The sight of a hairy-footed flower bee whizzing between spring flowers is a true indication that winter is over. Resembling small hyperactive bumblebees, females are jet black with distinct orange pollen baskets. Males are brown and stumpy, with yellow faces, and are no less active. Nests are made in loose earth or holes in masonry, and may attract the cuckoo bee Melecta albifrons. On the wing from March to mid June, with females emerging later and being seen later than males.

Similar species: The only other Anthophora which has an overlapping flight period is the extremely rare Anthophora retusa which is restricted to a handful of sites on the south coast. Females look similar, but have yellow spurs on the hind tibia, these are black in plumipes.


Hairy-footed Flower Bee (m)
Anthophora plumipes (m)