Screencastify Submit

Over the last few months many of you have become familiar with the greatness of Screencastify. If you're not, Screencastify is a screen recorder that records audio over what is on your screen. If you've viewed one of my tutorial videos you've viewed something recorded with Screencastify! Many of you have been using Screencastify to create videos and lessons for your students making learning personal even when you can't be together in-person with your students.

Screencastify comes with 3 tools:

Record - the part you are familiar with that helps you record your videos

Edit - you might be familiar with this if you have ever edited your recording

Submit - what we're going over today!

Today I want to share about a great tool that comes with Screencastify, it's called Screencastify Submit. Here's an intro video:

Accessing Submit

Accessing your school or district Screencastify license is a quick process (here's a video as well):

  • First, click on the Screencastify extension

  • Next, log in with your district Google account.

  • Finally, start using Screencastify!

Create a Submit assignment

To get your students started recording, you can create a Submit assignment! (Here's a video)

  1. Create a Submit Assignment: Once you have signed into your Submit Dashboard, you're ready to create your first assignment! Click the blue "New Assignment" button in the top left to create your first assignment.

  2. Share the assignment with students: On the last step of the assignment creation process, click the "Copy" button and paste it anywhere you'd like. Students can click that link to access your instructions and submit a recording.

  3. View submitted videos: Videos that are submitted to your assignments will be uploaded to the assignment's folder on your Google Drive. As a teacher, you can view videos submitted by your students from your Submit Dashboard, from the folder in your Google Drive, or by clicking “View video” from the email notifications.

That's it! You've installed the extension, created a recording, edited it, shared it with your audience, and got your students started! If you want to dive deeper, check out our Master the Screencast course or our Genius course. Upon passing the course, you'll earn a snazzy certificate and badge to flaunt! You might also find our classroom resources helpful.

Screencastify Submit is similar to FlipGrid, SeeSaw, and aspects of Nearpod if you are familiar with those resources. The nice thing about Screencastify Submit is students definitely don't need an account to access or submit their recording.

Additionally Screencastify Submit now allows student's to screen record their response, not just complete a video recording.

Please reach out if you have any questions or would like some assistance with getting started!