EOY - June 2023

Google Drive Migration

Please remember to have all of your network files migrated to Google Drive by the end of the day on Tuesday, June 13th. These files will become inaccessible on Friday, June 30th.

Migration Tutorial: Use this link if you need a tutorial on how to do this

Migration Support: Use this link if you need support from a member of the Tech Staff to do this

Google Drive Tutorial: Use this link to access a basic Google Drive tutorial

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Summer Google Drive PD

On Wednesday, August 23rd from 9:00am to 11:00am Jenn Moon will be leading a Google Drive PD session on the basics of Google Drive. This session will include file organization and storage tips, using Microsoft Documents in Google, creating Google Drive files, and sharing Google Drive files. You will leave this class having strategies in place plus time to put them into practice to prepare for the upcoming school year. PDPs will be awarded for your attendance. Registration will open in Vector later this week

Chromebooks for Staff

Thank you to the 20 staff members that are interested in piloting a Chromebook for the upcoming school year. Chromebooks for staff have been very slow to come in. I had anticipated they would arrive well before the end of the school year but it looks like they all may not. For those that asked for one as they became available or over the summer, we will reach out and arrange a time for you to pick it up when arrive. For those that requested one upon returning to school, they will be avaialble on Monday, August 28th, though you can reach out if you would like to pick one up sooner.

DESE Security Portal - New account registration needed

The Executive Office of Education is upgrading to a NEW Education Security Portal (ESP)! To ensure continuity of service, all existing users must register for the new Education Security Portal. Over the last few weeks you have probably received several emails from the DOE with this information. If you haven't done so already, you can register through this link. Note this is not the ELAR (licensure) portal, that is a separate account. This account is used by professional staff to access school-related student data and reports (Edwin).  This is actually a very easy process. Here is a step-by-step guide. Chrissy also created this video tutorial

Staff Members Moving Rooms

If you are moving rooms over the summer please bring anything assigned directly to you such as the following with you:

All other technology should stay in the room. This includes a document camera, iPad container/Chromebook cart, and printer among other things. It would be helpful if you leave the technology in your old room in the same general area.

Non-Returning Staff Members

Professional or Paraprofessional staff not returning to the Wrentham Public Schools in the fall will need to return the following applicable items to Scott (located in the first office to the right after you enter the Vogel) by the end of the day on Tuesday, June 13th. If you have technology items that belong to WPS and they are not listed below they should be left in your classroom/office.

Transferring Files from your WPS Google account to a personal Google account

If you are leaving the Wrentham Public Schools, you can copy the contents of your Google Drive and transfer it to a personal Google account with Google Takeout.

Paraprofessional Chromebooks

All Paraprofessionals need to turn in their Chromebook and charger (mouse and headset if applicable) on Tuesday, June 13th. The scheduled drop-off for all Paraprofessional Chromebooks on June 13th is 1:00pm in the Roderick or Delaney Teacher’s Room. If you would like to drop the Chromebook off sooner, please bring it to Chrissy’s Office in the back of the Delaney Computer lab. 

What should the Professional Staff do with technology over the summer?

Please place all remotes, document cameras, wireless keyboard/mouse, and any other peripherals in your desk for safe keeping. All Professional staff members are welcome to take their district provided laptop/Chromebook home over the summer. If you would rather not take it home, you are welcome to turn it in to a member of the Technology staff for safe keeping. Never leave it in your classroom for the summer.

If you have a printer, please do not pile anything on it or unplug it. 

If you have an interactive panel, please make sure it is shut down and unplug it before leaving.

By the way, if you are keeping your laptop over the summer, we advise against leaving it plugged in all summer. This will drastically decrease your battery's usable life.

Summer Technology Access for ESY & Summer Institute


It can be expected that you have access to the interactive display in the room you are in. Please submit a help desk request if you need assistance connecting to a board you are not used to using. If you have a need for Chromebooks or iPads you must submit a help desk request ahead of time as we collect Chromebooks and iPad containers for cleaning and refreshing. Students that have borrowed Chromebooks during the school year will not be keeping them over the summer. 

Summer Institute

It is not expected that a Summer Institute class will need to utilize any WPS provided technology. Please contact me ahead of time to review any potential uses of WPS provided technology such as an interactive panel, Chromebooks, or laptops among others. It would be appreciated if this was done well in advance of when your class is scheduled to run. 

Report Cards

Report cards will be available to families starting at 4:00pm on Tuesday, June 13th. Families will receive an email between 4:00pm and 4:15pm alerting them that their student's report card has been published. If a family reaches out with a question about the report card or they can't access their report card please have them complete the Aspen Family Portal Support form with their question.

Summer Technology Work

This summer should be a light one for technology projects across the district. When you return in the fall you should see cleaned up and refreshed Chromebook carts and iPad tubs. Some rooms will also be outfitted with new interactive panels. Those teachers that will be receiving the interactive panels and displays will be notified before the end of the school year! 

New Copiers

The major project this summer will be replacing all copiers and implementing an upgraded printing system that will enable all staff members regardless of roll, where they are located, or what device they are using to print and scan at the copiers. Student access to print to the copiers will also be enabled on a trial basis in the fall. This process will happen between the end of June and early July. Our hope is everything is wrapped up before ESY begins. You will likely need to see a member of the Tech Staff before you can print after the change takes place. I will keep you updated on the timeline and availability of printing closer to the changeover. 

Student Technology

Returning Borrowed Chromebooks

We are asking that all students that borrowed a Chromebook from the district return them this Friday, June 9th. Grade 6 students were asked to send return them today, June 6th. Chromebooks can be placed outside their classroom door and will be picked up by a member of the Technology Staff at 9:00am. An email has already been sent to the families of students borrowing a Chromebook. 

Grade 6 Students

Students currently in Grade 6 will have their Google accounts disabled on June 30th as they head on to 7th grade. I sent an email to them at 2:00pm on Monday, June 5th with this information and details on how they can retain access to their files through Google Takeout. 

Grade 5 Student Email

Students currently in Grade 5 will have their email access cut off over the summer beginning on Friday, June 16th. It will be re-enabled on Monday, August 28th, ahead of starting in Grade 6. 

Access to Online Resources Over the Summer

Access to our various online resources will vary over the course of the summer. The main resources this summer, Reflex, Freckle, and Lexia (for those students that have been given access) will be available until Friday, August 18th. After that time we will be updating rosters for the new school year. 

Please let me know if you have any questions at all!!! May the rest of this school year go well with you!