Adding Chrome Web Extensions and Apps

Post date: Nov 9, 2016 3:36:06 PM

Last week's Tech Tuesday post outlined how to get logged into Google Chrome. This week's post will leverage that and show you how to add Google Chrome Extensions and Apps to your Chrome browser. Extensions and Apps add resources and capabilities to Google Chrome, making it more robust and useful for tasks other than just browsing the internet.

Your first step is going to the Google Chrome Web Store. Once there you can browse the Extensions and Apps available by clicking through the Web Store. You can also click in the search box in the upper left corner and enter the name or description of the Extension or App you would like to search for. Once you've found what you're looking for:

  1. Click Add to Chrome.
  1. For some extensions, you’ll see a box that lists the data that the extension will be able to access.
  2. Click Add to grant the extension access to your data and install the extension.
  3. A confirmation that Extension was added should appear in the upper right corner of the screen next to the address bar. If you added an App a new Apps tab will appear showing you the Apps you have added.

To use the Extension you added, click on it in the upper right of Chrome, next to the address bar.

To use the App you added click on the bookmarks bar under the address bar in Google Chrome or go to chrome://apps. Click on the App you would like to use.

Some useful Extensions:

MoveIt - Set a timer to remind you take brain breaks with an exercise to complete

Boomerang for Gmail - Send emails at a later date/time, set emails to return to your inbox at a later date/time

EasyBib - Making citations easy

Readability - If you've ever wanted to read an article without ads this is for you

Bitmoji - Because we all need a little flair sometimes