CSEdWeek is held annually in recognition of the birthday of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (Dec. 9, 1906). Admiral Hopper is known for popularizing the idea of machine-independent programming languages, which led to the development of the programming languages we have today. A programming language is what a computer reads to execute all of its functions. Coding is the process of writing that language out in organized patterns for computers to read. Think of English as a programming language and writing a recipe as coding. Humans are the computer that reads the code in the English language and makes the recipe.

CSEd Week is designed to promote and introduce computer science education to students. The part of CSEd Week we participate in is an Hour of Code, which challenges students to complete an hour of coding related activities during the week. Coding and computer science continue to be important skills for an increasing number of career paths. We think it is important to provide students a foundational knowledge of coding and computer science so they are prepared for the ever changing workplace. When students leave the Wrentham Public Schools and head to their next educational opportunity we want them to have a favorable impression of computer science. 

The characteristics that make someone successful at coding and computer science are ones that will serve students well in all aspects of their lives. Resilience, problem solving, creativity, brainstorming, and innovation are all skills that coding and computer science develop that have real connections to almost every area of learning.

Among the ways we'll be participating in CSEd Week this year are:

We hope this week of activities will engage and inspire our students. If any of you would like to bring a coding activity to your class during CSEd Week or anytime throughout the year please reach out to Jenn, Heather, or I. We'd be glad to stop by!