
Battle At Byrd Cheer Competition  

By Natalie Lint and Na’Ziia Swingler

Oct. 11, 2023

Waynesboro’s Cheer Team traveled to William Byrd High School and competed against 33 other teams. Their junior varsity team placed 1st and varsity placed 7th. 

Both teams had to change things and receive new spots due to unfortunately losing some people. We came and got our own trailer and had to wait for middle school to finish competing before we could warm up. At our last competition we were not on schedule and this comp we were completely on schedule so it felt amazing to head home at a normal time. 

Junior varsity competed before varsity and received a deduction of -5 points. Then also signs were messed up… instead of B-O-R-O it was O-B-R-O. So that was a deduction but fortunately we still beat our high score. A prep fell for the pyramid but Na’ziia and her stunt group still went up and performed beautifully. And the stunt group that fell was able to get back up.

Varsity did the best they have ever done after having to fix their routine in only 2 days. After all of the ups and downs they went through over the past several weeks has truly been remarkable. They hit every stunt. They got a few deductions but none like last time. After the next competition on October 4th, they get to get ready for districts and hopefully states! 

This article was written by journalism students at Waynesboro High School.