
Why electronic bathroom passes were a terrible idea

Liberty Ward

Nov. 28, 2023

I will always have respect for whoever decided to instate the bathroom pass system at WHS. Respect them for putting tens of thousands of dollars into an app and website that in no way benefits the students. Respect them for deciding that no, students and teachers constranations don’t matter, this is a fantastic idea. It was not in fact a fantastic idea. 

The electronic pass system is by far the most inconvenient thing ever established at the high school. Simply going to the bathroom or getting water is made into an aggravating and complex issue. For a bit of perspective, even to get to this point one needs to navigate from several confusing links to choose which specific bathroom they're going to and make a mad dash there. All of that within a seven minute timer. There’s also the lovely feature of not allowing students to leave the classroom because there are too many people out. These wait periods can vary drastically, anywhere from from a few minutes to an hour could be wasted waiting to go to the bathroom. In no situation should students be kept from basic human needs, especially in schools, the very place they’re brought to learn.

This whole inconvenient system was probably also very expensive, money that could have been spent on making the school a better experience. Did the thought not cross their mind to improve the quality of cafeteria food? Did they not think that maybe some flowers out front would be pretty? Or maybe just poll the students on where they think the money should go. Whatever the possibilities were, the choice was instead made to instate this incredibly useless system. 

Please consider the removal of this pass system on behalf of the entire student (and a few teachers) body.

This article was written by journalism students at Waynesboro High School.