
Home Alone Movie Review

By, Emma and Senetha

Nov. 15, 2023

The Movie “Home Alone” is a Christmas comedy. This movie was made on November 16, 1990, and is about a boy named Kevin McCallister who was left home alone. His family went away on vacation to Paris and left him at home by mistake. Going back to the night before this happened Kevin got into a fight with his older brother Buzz. This caused Kevin to get into trouble. He got super mad at his mom and told her he hoped that the whole family would disappear. The next morning the family was running late for the fight so they rushed out the door and forgot Kevin. His mom didn’t notice he was missing until they got on the plane. At home, Kevin woke up to see that his family was gone. This made him so happy and excited because now he can do anything he wants and doesn't have to share with anyone.    

While Kevin was having the time of his life, a big plan was brewing. Two men were trying to break into people's houses. The Mcallisters’s house happened to be the first on the list. Later on, Kevin finds out about the two evil men's plot and he decides that he is gonna trick them at their own game. He then set up traps all around his house and set up nails everywhere so that when the men came he would be prepared. The men came to the house knowing that there was only a little boy home. They thought it was going to be easy to rob the house but to their surprise, it wasn't easy at all. They fell into all of Kevin's traps and got really hurt in the process. They ended up getting caught in one of Kevin's traps. Kevin called the police and the police arrested them.  At the end Kevin ends up meeting with his family and is safe.

We really like this movie because it shows how even kids can be very brave and independent. It's very cool how Kevin handles everything by himself. We are pretty sure a lot of people at his age would have freaked out and gotten scared. On the other hand Kevin showed no fear and pushed forward. Overall we think this movie is funny and will bring joy to other people. If you want to watch a good Christmas movie that will mostly make you laugh we recommend you watching this movie!

This article was written by journalism students at Waynesboro High School.