
Nurse at Waynesboro Highschool

Author: Ryleigh Rainey 

Sept. 21 2023

Nurses are true heroes, selflessly caring for patients with kindness and dedication. Their skill and empathy make a huge difference in healthcare. Nurses are healthcare professionals who care for the sick and help maintain health. They administer treatments, provide emotional support, and educate patients. There are many different types of nurses from registered nurses to nurse practitioners, each has a unique role in healthcare. 

Our focus

Today our focus is on school nurses, particularly in Waynesboro High School, school nurses are vital, in offering health services to students. They handle injuries, manage chronic illnesses, and promote health education. 

About the nurses at Waynesboro

The nurses at Waynesboro High School specialize in helping students feel safe, healthy, and happy. Helping with feminine care, medications, and check-ups, new nurses have been hired this year due to the retirement of some of the nurses. 

This article was written by a journalism student at Waynesboro High School