
Ohio Male Threatens Virginia Schools 

By JJ Redifer

Oct. 24, 2023

Waynesboro High School went through a traumatizing experience on Tuesday, October 10th. Receiving a bomb threat during parent teacher conferences, the principal immediately took action. First, going on the intercom telling the teachers and students in the building that they're going into lockdown. Then he, and fellow administration, walked around getting the parents and students out of the classrooms and out of the building. After all the parents and students were clear, he, again, goes on the intercom informing the teachers to gather their stuff and leave. One teacher said ¨They told us to grab our stuff and go home. To be honest, it was great… I'm ready to go home. Always¨. Some teachers weren't really that scared like this one. Others were truly terrified (and rightfully so). All the students at home got a message stating: ¨ Parent conferences for the remainder of the day at Waynesboro High School are canceled due to a threat received by the school. Our staff are safe and all parents who were in the building have been evacuated. Our staff are being evacuated safely¨. This message was intended to inform everybody and to, hopefully, ease the minds of students/parents at home.

I talked to a few teachers about their experiences. Most of them stated that each step got a lot more scary. It started with the first message over the intercom. A lot of people thought it was just a drill in the beginning. The school is required to go through drills so in these situations teachers are better prepared to stay calm and keep the students calm, keep the children safe, and keep themselves safe. Then another announcement came over the intercom, stating that it was not a drill and that the school is in lockdown. Rumors flew that it was a shooter and it seems that's where the majority of the fear came from. However, getting the information that it was a bomb threat eased minds. Mrs. Leightmyer said ¨We had the rumor there was going to be a shooting… the fact that it was a bomb threat made us feel a little less targeted.” The lockdown lasted about 15 minutes before teachers started coming around to escort parents and students out of the rooms. About 10 minutes later teachers were informed to leave. One teacher stated the process was "very aggravating…very stressful”. He said that there was a little anxiety which is to be expected.

The perp was caught. He lives in Ohio and sent out the spam threat to multiple different schools. Including Waynesboro High School, Rockbridge County High School, Hermitage High School and many more. These threats are called ¨Swatting¨. It wastes police resources and time for nothing. All teachers interviewed were relieved to hear that he was caught.  

This article was written by journalism students at Waynesboro High School.