
We Need soap! 

By Grayson Norris

Sept. 21, 2023

Many students at WHS are outraged because of the lack of soap in the bathrooms. One repulsed student says “ I feel it's disgusting and we need to wash our hands”.  The same WHS student even says he thinks we have failed as a school. I think he is right, soap should be a basic necessity. According to Havard Health “washing your hands with soap and water for 15 seconds reduces bacterial counts by 90%”.  Many diseases are caused by bacteria as well bacteria have powerful chemicals that can make you ill.  

We interviewed principal Mr.Stamm and he agreed that bathrooms need soap. Mr Stamm said the reason there is no soap in many bathrooms is because students rip the soap dispensers off and litter the bathroom in soap. Students throwing soap around the bathroom leads to custodians having to clean up leaving them less time to clean up our  classrooms.  To help solve this issue Mr. Stamm has moved the soap dispensers to the hallways so if students do decide to destroy them the camera will see who is doing this. This being said Mr Stamm acknowledges  that most students don't ruin the bathrooms but the students that do are ruining it for everyone. Mr Stamm understands not many students know that the soap is outside the bathroom so to help solve this he plans on sending an Email to all students letting them know where the soap is located.  

To conclude, soap is very important to the students health and must be provided.  To make this a reality students must hold each other accountable and not destroy the soap dispenser. As well the office needs to make it better known that there is soap provided outside the bathroom. If students are able to control themselves and if the office could communicate better the soap problem would not be an issue.

This article was written by a journalism student at Waynesboro High School