
 WAYNESBORO, Va. — October 24, 2023

College costs are rising rapidly 

By Kaitlin Krambach

Having almost doubled within 20 years, the cost of postsecondary education is outrageous. On average, the cost of a 4-year college education lies just under $36,500 per year... (Read More)

Emus are the greatest animal in the world

By Liberty Ward

Emus are the greatest animals in existence. No other animal comes close to the amount of prestige and military might than these magnificent birds. They are not only the second tallest bird in the world, but also the fourth heaviest (132 pounds)... (Read More)

Why Halloween is an average holiday

By Reagan Fizer

Halloween is a mediocre holiday. It’s not only vastly overrated, but also less enjoyable than other holidays (like Christmas). Because the festival is primarily aimed at children, it does not age well for older individuals... (Read More)

Older Articles

Senior Privileges!

By Rosi Merida

Sept. 21 2023

Senior Privileges are needed back for the new seniors this school year. I do not think that it’s fair that the other seniors before seniors of 2024 don’t get the same privileges as the others...[Read More] 

Detention backfires

By Violet Coffindaffer

Sept. 21 2023

Discipline is used in schools across the United States. Discipline and detention in schools is used to try and control students and maintain behaviors of the students... [Read More]

Nurse at Waynesboro Highschool

By Ryleigh Rainey 

Sept. 21 2023

Nurses are true heroes, selflessly caring for patients with kindness and dedication. Their skill and empathy make a huge difference in healthcare. Nurses are healthcare professionals who care for the sick and help maintain health.....[READ MORE]

Editorials & Op-Eds

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