
Hocus Pocus Movie

By Allison Morningstar

Sept. 21 2023

The disney movie ‘Hocus Pocus' was written by Mick Garris and Neil Cuthbert and directed by Kenny Ortega. It was made in 1993 on July 16th. It is over 28 years old now and still being watched to this day.It’s about three witches whose names are Winifred, Sarah, and Mary. They took a little girl named Emily down to their house to try and suck her soul from her to make them look and feel younger. That’s when her brother, Thackery Binx, came running to her rescue after he noticed his sister was gone from the house. He followed the witches to their house. When he found Emily, he climbed into the witch's house and the witches ended up finding him and turned him into a cat forever to make him live with seeing his sister having the soul sucked out of her. I think that must have been really hard for him. Then 300 years later 3 people, Dani, Max, and Allison, Max lit the candle and he was a virgin which brought the witches back. The witches were again looking for children and tried to take dani’s soul. They ended up dying again due to Max using his cunning to attract the witches and trick them into standing in a magical circle. When the sun rose, the witches turned into dust and vanished. 

They made a ‘Hocus Pocus 2’ , both the original and the second are on Disney+, I love these movie so much. They really get me in the Halloween spirit. I’ve been watching Hocus Pocus since I was very little. It’s become a Halloween tradition for my family at this point. We watch the movie every Halloween. Sometimes I’ll even watch it when it’s not halloween. For example, this summer I watched it because it’s just a very good movie. Fall is my favorite season and Halloween is my favorite holiday and Hocus Pocus really makes Halloween a lot better. When I heard they were making a second movie, I got really excited especially since the three original witches were in the movie. My favorite one of the two movies is definitely the first one though. It’s my favorite movie because it’s what I grew up on and it’s very vintage and it just brings me to my happy place everytime i watch it. The second one is good but I just don’t get the same vibe I get as I do with the first one. The second one is about the witches' past and how they ended up becoming witches. And then someone else lights the black candle, and it brings the witches back again and they begin to try and take kids' souls again to make them look younger and feel younger. But they do not succeed in taking any kids' souls. Which I think is a good thing that they didn’t succeed in getting anyone's souls because the witches were very bad people in my opinion. 

This article was written by a journalism student at Waynesboro High School