

By Jaiden Braiden

Nov. 28, 2023

The Titanic was important in history; it was one of the deadly peacetime maritime disasters in history and quickly became a catalyst for change. As we learned from Titanic, latent error makes the greatest contribution to major disasters. We should never put too much trust in technology; anything could go wrong, always expect the unexpected. 

The Titanic cost 7 million to construct. And 20 horses were used to transport the main anchor. And the ship lies 12,600 feet underwater. Only 706 people survived the Titanic and 1,496 people died on the ship. The ship was under 900 feet long. Back in the day titanic was the largest ship out and was predicted to be unsinkable 

The Titanic was one of the biggest ships that was predicted to sink. That's why I don't trust boats, planes and more. It had a big effect in history and changed a lot. People brought pets; only three dogs survived the titanic. The diamond that the girl threw in the water was never recovered but is worth 350 million dollars. Only reason why she threw it is because she wanted to let go of her past. And thought that was the only way how. All in all I think Titanic was a really good movie. And represent true event 

How the movie started off was this really bummy dude was gambling and one a ticket to titanic he almost missed the ship but he got on at the last second. He was basically on the ship as a homeless man he had to sleep outside he did not have no room to sleep on on the ship. He was laying down outside the ship when he saw this girl running crying. He was asking what wrong she fell in love with at first sight but her husband came running after her cus he heard her screaming. Because she was about to jump off the ship and commit suicide  But the man saved her because she almost slipped. She was just crying because she almost slipped and died. She screamed in shock her husband came running over there thinking she was in trouble when he got there he tried to fight the man that was holding her because he thought he was trying to rape her. But the wife said this man just saved my life for her husband and he let go and gave him some money. After that they starting seeing each other more and they fell in love with each other while she was still married but she wanted to break up with him and he did not want that so he tried to force her to stay with him

This article was written by journalism students at Waynesboro High School.