
Holes movie review

By Senetha Edwards

Oct. 31,2023

The Movie “Holes” is a Disney Movie that was filmed in 2003. This movie’s main character is Stanely Ylenats III who is a teenage boy. One day while he was walking he got hit by a pair of shoes on his head. He got up with the shoes and continued to walk, then all of a sudden he heard sirens. He started running and the police caught him and accused him of stealing the shoes. I felt bad for him because he was innocent. Stanely was confused because he knew he did not steal the shoes. Soon he went to court and was charged with robbery. They gave him the choice to go to prison or to go to Camp Green Lake. He thought taking Camp Green Lake would be better than prison and I did as well, until he got there and found out that the boys were rude. He also had to dig 5 ft deep holes. The worst part was that there were rattlesnakes and yellow-spotted lizards.

Stanley had to go to Tent D and most of the boys were rude except this one kid who didn’t talk and was nicknamed Zero. Later on, they had to dig holes and Stanley was not prepared. It was very hot and he had never dug holes before so it was very hard for him. This took him all day and was the last one to leave. Every day he was struggling and Zero started to notice so Zero helped him. The boys started picking on Stanley and this made Zero mad, so Zero started to fight one kid and choked him. The counselor scolded Zero and told him that he was dumb, so Zero hit him with the shovel and ran far away. This makes Stanely worried so he leaves camp too. 

Stanely looks for him and soon he finds him. After that, they climb up the mountain to find water. Zero soon becomes too weak to climb up the mountain so Stanely has to carry him. I think this happened because of how long Zero was out there. Finally, they found water to drink because they were so thirsty. After this, they pack up some water and onions and head back to camp to find treasure. Eventually, they find it but there are yellow-spotted lizards all over it. The good thing is that the lizards don’t attack them. When they go back to the tent the whole camp closes down and everyone gets to go home. Overall this movie is good and I think everyone should watch it.    

This article was written by journalism students at Waynesboro High School.