
The importance of Hispanic Heritage Month in America

By  Reagan Fizer

Oct. 11, 2023

The annual celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month occurs from September 15 through October 15. It is a time to celebrate the Hispanic and Latinx communities' rich history, culture, and contributions. For the following Latin American countries: Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Honduras, it marks the anniversary of their independence. 

During hispanic heritage month, people come together to celebrate the vibrant cultures of hispanic and latinx communities. The art, dancing, music, literature, and food that define the unique features of these communities are displayed during festivals, parades, and cultural occasions. It is an honor to recognize historical figures who have contributed significantly to multiple fields.

The recognition of the achievements made by Hispanic individuals to society is one of the main focuses of Hispanic Heritage Month. From outstanding individuals like Ellen Ochoa, Antonia Novello, Albania Rosario, and many more. All of these important individuals left a lasting impression on the world. 

This celebration also serves as an opportunity to educate and raise awareness about the contributions of Hispanic Individuals throughout history. Schools, communities, and organizations often organize events to promote understanding and appreciation of Hispanic culture. For instance, starting on September 15th, every day during announcements at Waynesboro High School, an important Hispanic person will be mentioned along with what they accomplished that had an influence. Additionally, a Hispanic student from WHS will also be able to translate the announcement if wanted.

In general, Hispanic Heritage Month is an occasion to recognize the accomplishments of the Hispanic and Latinx communities and to learn more about them. The most important thing is to recognize the significant people who improved our community.

This article was written by a journalism student at Waynesboro High School.