
College costs are rising rapidly 

By Kaitlin Krambach

Oct. 24, 2023

Having almost doubled within 20 years, the cost of postsecondary education is outrageous. On average, the cost of a 4-year college education lies just under $36,500 per year. When did it become so normal that prices such as these don’t even phase us when hearing them? This number doesn’t even begin to take into account the cost if a student is out of state or if the institution is private. 

Tuition in many European countries is entirely free for citizens. Even for U.S. citizens, the tuition fees can still be much lower than in many public and private American universities. Generally, the cost for international students is around $7,300. To go above and beyond, countries such as Austria, France, and Switzerland’s fees for international students can be under $1,000. Another way the cost of college can be lower in Europe is by speaking the local language. 

There are, however, ways to combat these costs. Some of these include the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) as well as private scholarships. Even so, these numbers are outrageous, causing thousands of students even more stress than what they already have to deal with. 

This article was written by journalism students at Waynesboro High School.