
Liberty Ward 

By Grayson Norris

Nov. 28, 2023

Liberty is a very important part of the Waynesboro high school community. Liberty is only a freshman but she already is in multiple clubs and even a sport. Liberty swims for the Waynesboro high school swim team.  Liberty says “I like the swim team and I hope we go states again this year”. Liberty recently had a swim meet where she won four events.  She is also part of the Chess club, key club and is even a co-founder of the friends with library club. Liberty being very active in the highschool has led her to make a great impact on the school as a whole. 

Apart from school Libery Ward owns multiple pets including two birds Jingle and Bell.  Liberty has not always been a Waynesboro citizen; when she was younger she lived in Harrisonburg when she was eight she moved to Waynesboro. Liberty, though only being fourteen years old, already has her own business.  She makes crocheted and sells them on her etsy shop Shroom Bloom.  

Liberty makes a big impact on the school community by co-founding friends of the library. Liberty says being a cofounder for friends of the library is fun because she gets to plane events, eats food and the teacher is nice.  Liberty says she positively affects the school by “not taking up space on the bathroom passes”.  Kaitlin Krambach, a good friend of Liberty, says she is fun. Katlin says Liberty is an important part of the school because she participates and encourages student interaction.  Reagan who takes class with Liberty said she is a great busy person.

Liberty Ward greatly helps impact are school community by her impressive performances on the swim time and her activity in multiple clubs. 

This article was written by journalism students at Waynesboro High School.