
Senior Privileges!

By Rosi Merida

Sept. 21 2023

Senior Privileges are needed back for the new seniors this school year. I do not think that it’s fair that the other seniors before seniors of 2024 don’t get the same privileges as the others. 

I honestly think we need more than just the few privileges that we have. As seniors , we’re supposed to be treated differently than the other grades. We need to be treated like the adults we are/soon to be. There are only a few privileges I think we need back and need in general.

We need our 5 minute leave early release at the end of the day back. Some seniors drive home and some seniors walk, We also don’t want to walk through everyone just to get to where we need to be. Giving us back the 5 mins to leave early before the other grades gives us time to get to where we need to be. 

Another senior privilege we need is to be able to go out more for lunch. As seniors we want to be able to feel like we can go get what we want to eat. Some of us do not like school lunch. Which also stops us from eating. We are trust worthy to be able to be led out so that we could have some time to go get some amazing food that we like.

I think seniors deserve to get better treatment than the other grades because we are in our last year of school, We want this last school to be the best one. We need to have more privileges.