
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best Game

By Elija Meade

Nov. 15, 2023

Rdr2 Is the best game in my opinion. From the Plot, character landscapes and views. A gang in a time where Outlaws are dying out and the world is becoming more industrialized. The Protagonist Arthur Morgan in a gang in which he is the right hand man to Dutch Van der linde the Leader. Arthur is struggling with his loyalty to Dutch and the gang while knowing he should be doing the right thing. He knows he has done bad and through dialogue with other characters he puts himself down and shows clear shame. I think the struggle between good and evil can show with your choice in interacting with NPC´s. You can antagonize them, greet them, help them out with chores or other deeds. 

This game has so much depth. In The way NPC´s interact with each other as well as animals. You can carry human or animal bodies and place them on your horse. You can clean your gun as well as customize it to your liking. You can feed and brush your horse. Depending on how long you have had the horse there are different levels of bonding. 

The story is just so deep and emotionally compelling. Over time you get attached to Arthur and actually care about his well being. During a mission to collect a debt Arthur contracts tuberculosis and you can see him get progressively sicker. While the gang has a falling out and the gang is being chased by the law. Arthur is cornered and dies symbolically on a hill watch the sunrise.

This article was written by journalism students at Waynesboro High School.