Meet Kaitlin!

Meet Kaitlin!

By Liberty Ward

Sept. 12, 2023

Kaitin Krambach is an ambitious freshman with goals for days who is currently taking Journalism I at WHS. She hopes that this class will help further expand her writing abilities while having fun. Kaitlin’s currently in several clubs including Key Club and Creative Writing Club. She also helped found the Friends of the Library Club to help other students further enjoy reading. When she’s not busy with clubs, Kaitlin works at her parents' cafe in Verona called Tasty Bites. 

With a passion for mental health, Kaitlin plans on becoming a child psychiatrist. She hopes she’ll be able to help those who need it, and make a difference in children's lives. Kaitlin aspires to attend Johns Hopkins University and is willing to put in the work required to do so. She hopes that this work will help her leave a positive impact on the world by making sure children feel heard and seen.

Kaitlin loves pasta of all kinds (excluding angel hair and penne), and her two dogs, Koko and Pepper. She also cares deeply about food being properly seasoned and equality. Describing herself as a “fruity individual” she also cares about people not being homophobic. What Kiertlin hates above all else is mayo, and hopes that it burns in a hole. Kaitlin plans on continuing her medical studies at WHS and is looking forward to what this year has to offer.

This article was written by a journalism student at Waynesboro High School.