Meet Na'Ziia!

Meet Na’Ziia!

By Natalie Lint

Sept. 12, 2023

Na’ziia Swingler is a part of Ms. Matherlee’s 2023-2024 journalism class! She is a freshman at Waynesboro High School. She is on the JV cheer team. She started cheerleading “last year towards the end of 7th grade.” She decided she wanted to be a cheerleader because she was forced to by a couple of her fellow peers. If she were to choose only three words to sum up who she is, they would be “boring, independent, and bossy.”

She was initially drawn to journalism because she believed it would provide her with a fantastic opportunity to overcome her social anxiety. She has never had any experience in journalism before but with the help of Ms. Matherlee I have full hope she will succeed. If she likes journalism, she'll probably pursue it in the near future. Na'ziia is most eager to travel around the school and meet new people so she can do interviews with them. 

This article was written by a journalism student at Waynesboro High School.