
WAYNESBORO, Va. — October 24, 2023

Waynesboro's best homecoming

By Violet Coffindaffer 

Waynesboro high school's homecoming was on the 14th of saturday last weekend. Waynesboro high school has a homecoming and a prom every year... (Read More)

Ohio Male Threatens Virginia Schools 

By JJ Redifer

Waynesboro High School went through a traumatizing experience on Tuesday, October 10th. Receiving a bomb threat during parent teacher conferences, the principal immediately took action... (Read More)

Older Articles

The importance of Hispanic Heritage Month in America

By  Reagan Fizer

Oct. 11, 2023

The annual celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month occurs from September 15 through October 15. It is a time to celebrate the Hispanic and Latinx communities' rich history, culture, and... [Read More]

Exploring all things clubs at Waynesboro High School 

By Kaitlin Krambach and Liberty Ward

Sept. 21, 2023

Did you know WHS offers 19 clubs? From National Honors Society to the Anime Club, the school has a variety of opportunities for students to get involved... [Read more]

We Need soap! 

By Grayson Norris

Sept. 21, 2023

Many students at WHS are outraged because of the lack of soap in the bathrooms. One repulsed student says “ I feel it's disgusting and we need to wash our hands”.  The same WHS student even says he thinks we have failed as a school... [READ MORE]