Meet Isaiah!

Meet Isaiah!

By Rosi Celestino

Sept. 6, 2023

Isaiah Gutshall is a student at WHS. He is in 11th grade, is 16 years old and is Caucasian. He has a family of 5. His mom, dad and an older brother named Blake. (He graduated from Waynesboro High School.) He also includes his gf named Rosi Celestino a part of his family. Isaiah currently does not have a job so he spends all of his time with his girl friend. 

Since Isaiah is in the 11th grade, he is one step closer to graduating. I asked Isaiah how his classes are going so far, and he stated that he does not like school, and the only reason he likes his classes and school is because his gf is here with him. Isaiah’s least favorite class is Economics and finance because of the teacher. Isaiah's favorite class so far is his math class with Mrs. Love. He says  “that is my favorite class because I get to sit and be with my gf”. Isaiah currently has a class with Mrs. Matherlee, called “Journalism”, when I asked him about how that class is going he told me that “it is going okay and that I only like the class because I have it with my gf”. Isaiah also told me that he is looking forward to Prom, Homecoming and other events to happen this school year with his significant other.

After school Isaiah goes home with his gf and then they go to his house to hangout until midnight. They spend time playing video games and watching movies in his room. He loves spending as much time as possible with his gf. He chooses to do everything with his gf and always includes her in activities and conversations even when she's not around. Isaiah’s favorite hobby is playing video games. If he's not busy with doing something else, he’ll always be playing video games. 

If you haven't guessed it yet, Isaiah loves his gf and will always talk about her. Whenever he talks to someone, he’ll always say something about her, Isaiah makes his whole world revolve around her. I hope this little article helped you get to know some facts about Isaiah. Plus his gf. 

This article was written by a journalism student at Waynesboro High School.