The true reason why immigrants come to America
by Alasia Payne

Photo from article by Nicole Hallet

My opinion on immigrants coming to our country is that not all immigrants are bad, because people say that immigrants only come to America to take over our country and they don't. I want them to believe that immigrants only come here to start their lives over and have a better life. And my three reasons why is that I have read about immigration, Donald Trump wants to get rid of immigrants´´ and if you were an immigrant how would you feel? Reason one is I have read about immigration. And I say this because ´´people say before covid, immigration was the problem and for at least the past forty years immigration ´´ laws that are on the books have been poorly enforced. My second reason is Trump wants to get rid of immigrants. Immigrants didn't do anything to him. Why would he want to get rid of them? Because Trump said one time on the news ´´if you weren't born in America you should leave¨ and that he doesn't like Mexicans. Now my last and final reason is if you were an immigrant how would you feel? Because immigrants are targeted for no reason and get treated differently. And yes yall haters might say that Immigrants take out jobs, but that doesn't make them bad. I think that immigrants are good people and come to America for good things. And you should too.