Sunny Goalder

Sunny Goalder is a freshman at WHS. They draw every day all day except for when they read, write, or talk to their friends. They write poems and short stories and journal sometimes. Their favorite type of book is a fantasy book, especially about mythology! Their favorite writer is Kate O'Hearn and her book series like "Pegasus" and "Valkyrie". They really enjoy sitcoms and "The Good Place" is their favorite but they also love "Parks and Recreation" and "Brooklyn-99." They also like anime like "The Promised Neverland" (Season one only) and "Miss Kohabashi's Dragon maid." They love horror movies-especially funny ones! (In case anyone's wondering Zombieland is their favorite but they can't decide if they like the first or second one better...guess they'll have to watch both again!) They want to watch more horror movies but their mom and brother don't like them. Sunny takes what they've seen from different books and movies and would like to incorporate them into their short stories. The short stories they write are tragedies and are based on different mythologies. Right now they spend a lot of time writing scripts or animating for an animated series they're making with some friends. So they love to put their journalism skills to use! They can't wait to learn more and write more!

Review of "The Queen's Gambit"

"The Good Place" review

What happened to fair?