C. Hernandez Escobar

Bio: Cindy Hernandez Escobar is a sophomore at WHS and in Journalism 2. She started taking Journalism in her first year of high school because she loves to write about many different topics. She lived in Waynesboro since she was five years old, before she moved to Waynesboro she lived in Charlottesville. She knows three different languages English, Spanish, and Latin. She taught myself English and Latin and Spanish from both of her parents who are originally from Mexico. When she has free time, she likes to read and hear music. Her types of books she likes to read are fantasy and mystery books. She hopes one day to visit New York and London when she’s much older. She also would love to live in New York, she would not live in London (even though she would like to) because she would be too far from her family. She usually plays soccer for WHS but unfortunately this year she did not because of the pandemic and does not want to risk getting her or her family sick. Cindy is happy to work with Giantword!

13-year old by shot by Chicago police

The reason why Stiles was not in season 6 of "Teen Wolf"

Protest in Colombia